Monday, 25 February 2013

Transgenic Scotts

I have already once expressed here my impression on the strange relationship Scotts have with cold. Since then I just came to accept that Scotts are transgenic people: they don't feel cold in the same way that we, traditionally organic people do. You see them jogging in the snow, go out at night in a t-shirt and even leave home to go shopping in their flip-flops. All these are things that I have grown used to see in my every day life. Even though I still stare a wee bit, I have grown used to it.
One thing, however, that I haven't grown used to is the cold at home. I would guess, before I moved to Edinburgh, that all the houses in locations this far North would have well insulated double-glazed windows. Well, maybe they do in Norway but certainly not here!
Well today I was in conference on Environment and there was a representative there of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. We had discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the many forms of energy so I posed the obvious question: why isn't proper insulation compulsory. Now, the SEPA guy gave a vague answer on conciliation of interests but a lawyer there present gave what top me was a very different answer. He said that he would like his grandchildren to see the Georgian windows, how the sun shines through them and how their ancestors built them! I guess he wasn't very concerned with waking up feeling that his ears might fall with the cold or that his nose had gone numb...
There you have the proof that they are transgenic: they want their grandchildren to see how their Georgian ancestors had the windows. I, on the other hand, would prefer my grandchildren not to have pneumonia...

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