Friday, 22 November 2013

Things that only a Brit would say... II

You meet someone in the street, exchange a few words until time comes for farewell and your British interlocutor tells you: "catch you later!" 
Catch me! Will you be chasing me? To do what once you caught me? Is that a threat?
In fact this only means "see you later!" So why don't they say "see you later"? Britishnesses...

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Things that only a Brit would say... I

In reply to your question: "how are you?" you get a "not too bad!"
Not to bad!!! The first time I heard this my immediate reply was one of commiseration: "why? what happened? is there anything I can do to help?"
In fact "not too bad" in this country means "good". Go figure... 

Friday, 15 November 2013

Prestige... Do you still remember?

Can you still remember the accident of prestige? Well, it was 11 years ago and it was one of the worst petrol spills in Europe ever. After all this time the criminal court in La Coruna (Galicia), finally came to a decision. Everyone involved was innocent of any crimes.
What do we learn with this? That to not comply with safety navigation norms in order to save some money is ok. That to severely harm the environment is not that serious. That to prevent entire communities of fishermen from working for months in a region that greatly depends on fishing is just bad luck. 
Well, the environment is not that important, right? If we completely destroy this earth we can always move to Mars... What? Mars does not have enough O2? Well, our planet will also soon not have much, so what's the difference?