One week without facebook! Yes, it was precisely one week ago that I decided to check if there was still life outside facebook. I was surprised to realize that there is. Well, clearly there are advantages and disadvantages to it.
The major disadvantage is that all the events are now organized using facebook. Now I understand the complaints of my facebookless friends who kept complaining they weren't told about events. It's just so easy to create an event, disseminate it around your friends and forget about those rare, exotic, loony people who are not on the most popular social network in the world. People like me, now!
The major advantage is to gain time to procrastinate in some other way. I wonder if that is an advantage... I closed my account considering that I was stealing too much time from work but until now I don't think there was a surplus of work. There is merely a more diverse procrastinating time.
Hummm... Given the lack of clear advantages and the existence of clear disadvantages, maybe it should be time to go back in. But I keep thinking that I'm probably still in that phase that quitting smokers experience after one week of stop smoking. They still don't feel better but feel in a terrible mood... So I'll need to give at least two months to life outside facebook to really experience how it's like.