Saturday, 19 January 2013

Amazing Edinburgh 2

After going to bed with snow outside, I woke up to see this amazing view from my window...
Edinburgh is amazing!

Amazing Edinburgh!

Imagine you had never lived in a place where it snowed...

Imagine that you had never seen the mere action of snow falling and actually accumulating on the ground...
Stop imagining! That was me until today!
Now Imagine that a person like me starts seeing snow falling outside heavily while on a (very interesting by the way) conference on legal theory. I just couldn't take my eyes out off the window, no matter how interesting the conference was...
Now I left the conference and saw the court yard of Old College covered in snow. All but the lawn, for some reason...
Then I head of to a whisky tasting enjoying each moment of walking in the snow. During the whisky tasting, once again I was gazing at the window and once back outside marveled at how everything was covered in snow. And decided to throw some snow bowls at friends who were perfectly accustomed to snow because they hadn't spend their entire lives between a Mediterranean and a Sub-tropical weather.
After another pub, I head off home in my faithful bicycle. I got used to ride in the snow immediately by the way.
On my way home, at almost 2am, I saw this guy juggling with fire in the middle of the snow in the Meadows. I stopped to see for five minutes and then continued slowly, riding my bicycle, on my way home.
What a beatiful evening!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Amazon V Blackwell's

Now I decided to have German lessons, so I had to buy my German course book (Berliner Platz Neu). 
I decided to check the price in Amazon as I always do. However, I also decided to go to Blackwell's. Just to be on the safe side...
I realized that in Blackwell's it was £10.00 cheaper than in Amazon! I then decided to also buy a German-English-German dictionary and both things together were still cheaper... 
What's wrong with Amazon?!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

It's been quite a while since I last wrote here. I must apologize to my occasional readers for this absence... In fact, this blog is about Scotland and I've been back home for a while, so nothing much to say about Scotland when I'm not there.
Since I last wrote, a new year arrived: I wish you all, in Scotland or elsewhere, a happy new year of 2013!